Elasticsearch backup to AWS S3 via Kibana
5 min read

Elasticsearch backup to AWS S3 via Kibana

Setting up automatic weekly backups for Elasticsearch via S3

I'm terrified of racking up big bills with AWS so I don't work a lot with it, aside from Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). For my ElasticSearch 7.14 cluster that I run alongside with Kibana, I wanted to setup Snapshot and Restore.

My understanding was that with Snapshots, you obtain a copy of your cluster data at that point and you can restore it when you would like to. I already had an AWS account setup before starting with this. For this, you needed to setup a storage repository and then configure via Kibana.

This is how I went about it.

  • Create a S3 Bucket (this is the storage repository we will use with Elasticsearch)
  • Create an AWS policy to allow the IAM User to access the S3 Bucket
  • Create an IAM User and attach the policy we created
  • Install the S3 Repository Plugin
  • Register the repository with Kibana
  • Setup an automatic policy with Kibana / Elasticsearch so it backs up data via cron

Create a S3 Bucket

  • Open AWS Console  -> S3 -> Create Bucket
  • Enter a bucket name: elasticsearch-s3-bucket-snapshot, other defaults are good - make sure you select "Block all public access" and then go ahead with creating the bucket (or saving)
Enter a bucket name: elasticsearch-s3-bucket-snapshot, other defaults are good - make sure you select "Block all public access

Create an AWS policy

  • Open AWS Console -> IAM -> Policies
  • Click on "Create Policy"
  • Switch to JSON editor and paste the following policy (that Elasticsearch recommends for S3 permissions)
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
  "Version": "2012-10-17"
  • Click on "Next: Tags", tags can be default so click next again
  • Enter a policy name elasticsearch-s3-policy-snapshot and hit "Create policy"
Enter a policy name elasticsearch-s3-policy-snapshot and hit "Create policy"

Create an IAM User

  • Open AWS Console -> IAM -> Access Management -> Users
  • Click on "Add Users"
  • Enter an user name elasticsearch-s3-user (customizable), check Programmatic access and click Next: Permissions
Enter an user name elasticsearch-s3-user (customizable), check Programmatic access and click Next: Permissions
  • Switch to "Attach existing policies directly" , search and select "elasticsearch-s3-policy-snapshot"
  • Click "Next: Tags", defaults are fine. Review the details and click Create User.
Review screen for Elasticsearch IAM user
  • This will generate a "Access Key ID" and "Secret access key" - both of which we will need soon to setup repository in Kibana, so keep them handy. There's a CSV option to download.
Credentials for IAM User

Install the S3 Repository Plugin

NOTE: With Elasticsearch version 8, the steps have changed: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/repository-s3.html

  • On your machine or server, go to where the Elasticsearch bin folder is. Mine was at /usr/share/elasticsearch
  • Run sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install repository-s3, answer with y or Y when asked about permissions
  • Restart your cluster!
  • We will configure the client settins for the plugin. Using elasticsearch-keystore, set the credentials for your IAM User
bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.access_key
# enter your "Access Key ID", hit enter
bin/elasticsearch-keystore add s3.client.default.secret_key
# enter your "Secret Access Key", hit enter

Register the repository with Kibana

  • Go to your Kibana dashboard -> Management -> Stack Management -> Snapshot & Restore -> Repositories ->  "Register a repository"
Snapshot & Restore on Kibana
  • Name it as elasticsearch-repository-snapshot, select AWS S3 as repository type, click Next. If you don't see AWS S3, make sure that you restarted your cluster!
Repository name & Type
  • Client name is default (this is part of your keystore secrets s3.client.default.access_key) and your S3 Bucket Name. Review other defaults and hit Register.
Repository client name & S3 Bucket name
  • Once this is done, it pops up a details screen for the repository. Click on Verify repository
Verify Repository to make sure everything is good

Setup an automatic policy with Kibana

With Kibana, you can setup automatic backup for your indices.

  • On the same screen, switch to Policies -> Create Policy
  • Enter these details
    • elasticsearch-weekly-snapshot as the name
    • <elasticsearch-weekly-snapshot-{now/d}> as the snapshot name, appends the date at the end
    • Select elasticsearch-repository-snapshot
    • Set frequency to every week
    • Click Next
Details for Policy - Cron
  • Click Next, and on review screen, hit Create Policy
Review Policy
  • You can run the policy and when it's done, you will see the snapshot
Run now for the policy
  • You should see something like this once snapshot is complete
snapshot is complete

To setup PHP and Elasticsearch using API key, read more about it